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Davis-Bacon & Service Contract Act


Competition for prevailing wage and service contract act jobs is fierce – and scrutiny for compliance is tougher than ever. With The Contractors Plan you have a powerful resource to help you save money on payroll burden, maximize owner contributions to retirement accounts, provide quality health, dental, vision and life insurance, and stay in compliance with government regulations.

We are the prevailing wage experts, and we’re dedicated to helping you succeed. The savings realized by implementing a prevailing wage benefit plan can mean the difference between winning a bid and coming in tenth. Questions? Give us a call at 1-800-325-4284.



Contractors who use the entire fringe portion of the prevailing wage to offer additional benefits can save even more.

With Total Fringe, you choose the benefits you want to provide to your employees from our platform. Once you have, we take care of all the details:

  • Combine the cost of all coverages into one hourly rate
  • Pay all the carriers
  • Administer all the programs.


The process couldn't be simpler. Best of all, you send in one check and upload one file- regardless of the number and types of benefits you choose to offer. Total Fringe is an industry-unique service that provides you a seamless, turnkey solution.

The Contractors Plan product line offers this full suite of benefits:

  • Major medical
  • Limited medical*
  • Dental insurance
  • Vision insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Retirement

We break down all these products into an hourly premium, enabling you to pay one hourly rate for the collective benefits you choose. We provide all administration for these programs, and we can do it by job and by hour.

If you currently offer your employees any of the benefits described above, we will conduct an analysis to ensure you are getting full credit for the premiums paid. Our in-house plan design experts will work with you to allocate the full fringe amount to your benefit plan or plans.

*Limited medical is a lower-cost option which provides basic coverage for routine healthcare costs like office and emergency room visits, but does not include catastrophic coverage for serious illnesses such as cancer.

See An Example of Your Savings

Learn More

Davis Bacon Act

Service Contract Act

State Prevailing Wage

Fact Sheet of Savings

Bona-Fide Benefits

Limited Medical Plans Framework

The Contractors Plan